Choose a purebred cat

Let's start with a consideration: how many times do you think, in a normal conversation between friends or acquaintances, the question "I got a cat" corresponds to the question "oh yes? And what breed?".
Now let's think about the same situation by changing the word "cat" to the word "dog". Do you agree that the response rate "and what race?" in the second case it rises and not a little?
Why does the concept of Breed struggle to enter common sense in the specific case of cats and not dogs?
It occurs to me that this reality has deep historical roots, dependent on the fact that the dog has always been domesticated to carry out "jobs". In fact, there are hunting, guard, shepherd, rescue dogs, dogs for the blind, dogs for the disabled, police dogs, truffle dogs etc. etc ... For this reason the different breeds have been studied in depth and once their characteristics have been verified they were used for this or that use.
The same thing did not happen for cats as they are all parigrade mangers.
To us people of the twenties What is the concept of race useful for in the 21st century? Because we all agree on aesthetics, if we like it or don't like it we can see it at a glance. But is the concept of race still a viable concept?
In our opinion, yes, and there are two main reasons:
1) if you know in depth the type of cat you are about to take, you know if you are able to offer what it needs or not;
2) if your home has physical limits or your cohabitants have different needs, you can choose the cat that can be comfortable in your home.
So with one eye on the well-being of the animal and one on the logic of coexistence in the family, the fact of knowing the breed, or of getting in touch with someone who knows it well, will be able to reassure you if the choice you are making may involve or not. any inconvenience or difficulty.
The classic example that comes to me: the cat I want to take will have free access to the garden. I won't get a Sphinx or an all white cat that could get burned if they fall asleep in the sun.
Another example: I have other mixed-breed cats in the house I will take a cat that easily gets to know other similar cats, certainly not a Turkish Van!
Knowing the particularities of the breed does not mean having a guarantee of success in entering or living together, but starting on the right foot to make the best choice taking into account one's own conditions, especially those that cannot be changed. If one cannot prevent their cat from going out into the garden, then get a very lazy and sedentary cat, if a family has small children then get a Maine Coon that is able to play without pulling out its claws.
What do we know about non-purebred cats? That we like them just the same for their felinitude but, on average, nothing more.